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Pharma & Medical equipment

The global Pharma & Medical equipment trade (export + import) has raised to USD 4218.01 billion in 2022 inc

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Leather & other articles

The global Leather & other articles trade (export + import) has raised to USD 657.70 billion in 2022 increase of 14.42% compared to 2021 which

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Plastics, Rubber, Paper and Articles

The global plastics & rubber & Paper and Articles trade (export + import) raised to USD 2745.81 billion

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Dubai plastics & rubber & Paper and Articles trade (export + import) have raised to USD 9.24 billion in 2019, an increase of 0.06% compared…

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Dubai plastics & rubber & Paper and Articles trade (export + import) has raised to USD 9.24 billion in 2019, an increase of 0.06% compared to…