The packaging must show the following information: the name, the name of the country the goods are from or where they were manufactured, their quality, purity or blend and the net weight of the contents.
For further information, consult the law called La Lealtad Comercial (commercial loyalty law).
For information on labeling requirements for the medical industry, hygiene and food products and similar products visit the website of the Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica, ANMAT.
Languages Permitted on Packaging and Labeling
No restrictions. The consumer must be able to understand the details listed on the label.
Unit of Measurement
The metric system is mostly used; the Anglo-Saxon units are used in certain cases (nuts and bolts, for example).
Mark of Origin "Made In"
It is obligatory and controlled by Customs. The country of origin is considered to be the country where the product started from.
Labeling Requirements
In accordance with Argentine law, products prohibited for a certain public must mention this ban (not to be sold to minors, etc.). For example, bottles of alcohol must be labeled: sale prohibited to minors.
Specific Regulations
The legislation provides for specific labeling rules for certain products such as foodstuffs, seeds, textiles, etc.
Commercial and industrial norms in Argentina
National Standards Organisations
- Argentine Institute of Standards and Certification (IRAM)
- Argentine Electrotechnical Association (AEA)
Integration in the International Standards Network
At the regional level, Argentina is a member of:
- The Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT)
- The Mercosur Standardisation Association (AMN)
- At the international level, Argentina is member of:
- The International Standards Organisation (ISO)
- The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
- The International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
- Obligation to Use Standards
Compliance with standards is mandatory for products such as machines, tools, electrical appliances, sports equipment, toys, etc. Goods which have complex technology or are potentially dangerous must undergo rigorous testing and approval procedures before they can be marketed in Argentina.
Classification of Standards
Product marking standards: Argentine Institute of Standards and Certification (IRAM)
Assessment of the System of Standardization
Argentine people are receptive to standards being observed; the IRAM standard or the ISO 9000 and HACCP certifications are well known to consumers and firms and they are appreciated for their guarantee of the quality and safety of products and services.
The IRAM certification is called “Sello IRAM” which is well recognised in the country. As most standards schemes, the IRAM is voluntary.
Products in conformity with the regulations, must display the official safety mark “S” on its packaging.
Online Consultation of Standards
Consult the website of IRAM, the only organisation accredited for product certification.
Certification Organisations
- Argentine Institute of Standards and Certification (IRAM)
- Pan American Standards Commission (COPANT)
- Mercosur Standardisation Association (AMN)
- The National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI)
- International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO)