
Pathology Consumables And Reagents

Tenders Details


First Name: N/A
Last Name: Sonya Krishna
Address: N/A
Posted On: 06/25/2024
Deadline: 06/27/2024
Estimated Budget: N/A
Country: Qatar
City: N/A
Phone#: N/A
Email: SKrishna@sidra.org
Buyer country: Qatar
Buyer State: N/A
Sector: N/A
Currency: QAR
Procurment Method: Other
Notice Type: Invitation for Bids
cpvs: 33190000,33000000
procurement ID: RFQ 11138
CPV Descriptions: miscellaneous-medical-devices-and-products-,medical-equipments-pharmaceuticals-and-personal-care-products-

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Source : DG Market
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